Interview with TRENDZ
This June, we had the chance to interview TRENDZ for the release of their hit single : NEW DAYZ and talk about everything and nothing ! Are you ready ?
Hi K-POP Concert! Two, three! To be frenzied! Hello, we are TRENDZ! We received a questionnaire from K-POP concert. Let's take some time to answer it.Sounds good. Here's the first question !

Eunil : It's been 18 months since your debut in January 2022. Bravo! Congratulations. How do you feel about it?
ra.L : Oh! It's hard to believe that it's already been 18 months. During those 18 months. we were able to create happy memories with FRIENDZ, and it feels like we were able to enjoy our activities happily. We will continue to be TRENDZ who can bring love and happiness to our fans, so please continue to support us.
Hankook : Yes, here's the next question. Please introduce yourself and tell us about your role in TRENDZ.
Starting with the oldest member, Léon, and ending with me. How about that ? Sounds good.
Havit: Yes, I am Havit, the oldest member of TRENDZ and the main vocalist.
Hankook : Baby, yes, hello. I am HanKook, in charge of the visual leader position in TRENDZ.
ra.L : Hello. I'm ra.L, the main rapper of TRENDZ.
YoonWoo : Hello. I'm YoonWoo, responsible for another model-level visual vocal in TRENDZ.
Eunil : Hello. I'm Eun Il, in charge of the visual hiding position in the team.
Yechan : Yes, hello. I'm the youngest member and maknae, Ye Chan.
Léon : Yes, hello. I am Léon, responsible for the main dance in the team.
Eunil : What is your favorite single among all of your albums?
Léon : There are many, but starting with Léon, well, for me, I think "New Dayz" is the best, especially because it's easy to sing along to and I really like it.
YoonWoo : For me, whenever I think of a song, it's "New Dayz," but when it comes to performances, I can't leave out that energy. Our "VAGABOND" performance is really cool even though we're in it. It's my personal favorite.
Hankook : During the New Days promotional period, you performed on various music shows such as M COUNTDOWN, Music Bank, and Arirang Radio. When performing on these stages, what do you enjoy the most between showcasing your vocals and meeting the fans?
Havit : Well, yes, yes. For me, I enjoy both showcasing the dance and singing. But among them, I feel the happiest when performing on stage in front of FRIENDZ, hearing their cheers and support.
Eunil : That's right. I feel the same way. When we're on stage, we receive a lot of cheers and support from the audience and fans in front of us. Yes, that's true. We are aware of the camera, but there are other things that we pay attention to.Ah, yes. At those times, we might look at our own fancams or feel a sense of unity together, or feel the energy from each other, things like that.
It seems like there are various interesting elements through those experiences. Yes, here's the next question : Are there any concerts or festivals planned in different regions around the world?
ra.L : Oh, yes. We recently visited Jakarta, Indonesia not too long ago to meet our FRIENDZ there. Oh, that's right. We plan to meet all the FRIENDZ who are abroad in the future, so please look forward to it and continue to support us. Please continue to support TRENDZ in the future !
Eunil : Yes, here's the next question. Last year, on the "it's LIVE YouTube channel" You Have experienced live band performances with Vagabond. What other shows would you like to do?
Eunil : Yechan, what do you think?
Yechan : For me, there is one show that I really want to experience in my lifetime, and I'm sure you all know it when you hear it. It's the Jimmy Fallon Show! If we all get to go, it would be a dream come true, a really big moment. I'm really looking forward to it because it feels like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And personally, I've always been a fan of old-school.
Eunil : I've seen shows like "Begin Again" and collaborations like "INTO1 Service" where we can showcase our vocals again, and they are really great opportunities. I think such shows would be beneficial for us
Eunil : Which korean or international artists would you like to collaborate with?
ra.L : For me, it's SEVENTEEN sunbaenim. Because SEVENTEEN sunbaenim is not only incredibly skilled in performances, but their songs are always great as well. I really want to collaborate with them. I love you! I love you!
YoonWoo : I really think our senior artists, who are globally renowned, have a lot to offer, and if given the chance, I would love to collaborate with them. I love you!
Hankook : Yes, great. Here's the next question. You mentioned that you enjoy dancing and performing covers of songs like "BackDoor," "Advice," "Tiger Inside," "GAMBLER," and "FIRE." So, what is the most challenging choregraphy, and how long did it take to master it?
Léon : These are the songs we did during our time as Inter Boys, and if I had to choose one, Tiger inside was the most challenging for me. "Tiger inside!" It was especially difficult to align the angles of our legs correctly. But I believe we practiced for about a week before recording the video.
Hankook : For me, it was BTS sunbaenim's "Fire." "Fire" required pouring out energy from the beginning to the end, both physically and mentally. It really made us feel like we were on fire. So, I think it's the most challenging dance cover for me.
Eunil : Here's the next question. Who is your role model group?
Yechan : I think our shared role model is most likely BTS sunbaenim. I want to say BTS because I think there are many things we can learn from them, not just in terms of performance, but also in rap, singing, and every aspect. They serve as our role models.
Hankook : Great. Here's the next question. What do you do in your free time?
Havit : It would be better to answer this question as a group. Well, for me, I'm more of a solitary person since I'm an introvert. I spend a lot of time alone, watching movies or enjoying good food at restaurants. I tend to cherish my alone time.
Hankook : For me, when I have free time, I enjoy going to the movies alone, especially independent films. Alternatively, I also love taking walks, so I often go for walks.
ra.L : I'm somewhat similar. I've recently discovered a new hobby. I put on my headphones, take public transportation, go for a walk, and just spend time alone, organizing my thoughts and finding solace.
YoonWoo : I have a really new hobby that I recently picked up.Not just regular walks, but night walks. I tried experiencing the fresh night air, and it was so refreshing. So, I plan to enjoy night walks occasionally.
Eunil : I can relate. Whenever I have free time, I usually catch up on TV dramas or movies that I haven't had a chance to watch.
Yechan : I watch a lot of videos as well. I also enjoy listening to music, and since I like cycling, I often ride my bicycle without a specific destination in mind, just exploring wherever I go.And although I often get lost while exploring, there are also times when I play mobile games or something similar on my phone.
Léon : As for me, when it comes buying clothes, I prefer offline shopping over online. So, I go to the stores to shop for clothes and accessories, and it feels like I'm having a great time while also treating myself to something really nice. Everyone has their own preferences .
Eunil : Do you have a Drama or webtoon to recommend to our viewers ?
Yechan : I have a drama that I would like to recommend. You might already be familiar with it. It's a masterpiece called "Goblin." I love it. I'm sorry. I would like to recommend it.
Havit : As for webtoons, I would like to recommend one. I read a lot of webtoons, and it's something that not many people may know about. It's an ongoing webtoon called "에이머," which I have been serializing since I was in 6th grade of elementary school to high school.
Hankook : What genre is it?
Havit : It's somewhat brain-oriented. It's about fights using the brain. It's a webtoon where they literally fight using their intelligence.
Parkchigi Brain!
Havit :Yes, that's right. The protagonist in the story is a master of Parkchigi, and it's hilarious but also emotionally touching, so it falls under the comedy and emotional genres. It's emotionally touching.
Hankook : What is your favourite song now?
Havit : I personally have a song that I've been obsessed with and listening to repeatedly these days. It's "How Do You Love Somebody" by Why Don't We.
Hankook : As for the artist I'm into, I discoveredLABOUM after watching a movie. Ah, the song is so good.
ra.L : As for me, recently I started listening to our past songs again, and one of them is "Daybreak."Daybreak. TRENDZ's Daybreak.
YoonWoo : Recently, I've also fallen for NCT's Jaehyun sunbaenim, and I've been listening to his song "Forever Only" a lot.
Eunil : I really like Baek Yerin sunbaenim's "Big World."
Yechan : As for me, I love TRENDZ sunbaenim's "New Dayz."
Léon : And I also really enjoy the song "Die for You" by an artist named Joji, who is based overseas.
Eunil : Do you enjoy playing video games?
Eunil : As for me, recently I played the new Spider-Man game. It's something I've always wanted to do, and it was initially only available on consoles, but then it was released for PC. I bought it immediately and completed it in just one day. Everyone has different preferences. Ye Chan couldn't beat it either.
Hankook : I also have a game platform site now. So, now I can make purchases there and I have around 30 games in my cart that I haven't played yet. I tend to buy a lot of games, especially during sales. I really want to try those games soon !
Hankook : Who is the one who learns the choreography the fastest / slowest ?
Hankook : Please answer this as the dance leader.
Léon : Actually, none of our members are really slow in learning choreography.They all have good stamina. But honestly, among them, there is one member who is particularly fast. As for the slower member, I'm not sure, but there is a fast member, and that's our youngest, Yechan.
Eunil : He's really fast. He even gets me excited.
Who talk the most ?
Hankook : And since he enjoys talking and expressing himself, the members also enjoy being with Yechan and talking with him.
Do you not talk much? It seems like you have a lot of conversations.
Havit : It's fun. That's alright
Who eats the most?
(All) : Shall we do a countdown? One, two, three. It's Havit !!! He seems to eat a lot because he's the person who lives to eat. But these days, he's eating a bit less. Even though he eats less, it seems like he eats a lot compared to our standards.
Eunil : K-Pop Concert team Arrives in Seoul, which place do you absolutely recommend? Restaurant, tourist spot, shop?
YoonWoo : I have one. First and foremost, Lotte Tower in Jamsil. When you go to Seoul, no matter where you go, there's a building that catches your eye, and that's Lotte Tower. There's so much to do, and if you go up to a high place, the view is absolutely stunning, so I highly recommend visiting there.
Havit : I also have a place I'd like to recommend. First, there's Bukchon Hanok Village. You can experience the traditional beauty of Korea and there are plenty of delicious restaurants and cafes. I went there alone last time, and there's so much to do.
Hankook : At the entrance of Bukchon Village, there's a place where you can try on hanbok (traditional Korean clothing) and even experience wearing it. You can explore Bukchon Hanok Village, take photos, and even greet people while wearing hanbok
Hankook : It's already the last question. It would be great to hear from all of you as a group. Do you have any final words or any questions for the fans?
Let's start with Havit :
Havit : No matter where we are, we will run towards you.
Hankook : Hello, Friends. I'm TRENDZ leader, Hankook. Thank you so much for loving us, and in the future, we will work hard and show you many great things, so please have high expectations. I love you.
ra.L : I hope you know that my heart is always running towards FRIENDZ, and I always love and wish you happiness.
YoonWoo : Thank you so much, FRIENDZ, for sending us many questions. We are truly grateful. No matter where we are, we will strive to travel the world and meet all of our global FRIENDZ. Please wait a little longer.
Eunil : Hello, FRIENDZ. We, TRENDZ, will continue to work hard to show you only the best. Thank you. You have to look closely to see the beauty.
Yechan : Seeing you for a long time makes me love you even more. Let's meet up soon. I want to say those words.
Léon : Because we have FRIENDZ, we have TRENDZ. We will come to see you quickly, so please give TRENDZ lots of love and attention. Thank you.
Eunil : We have answered all the questions until now. Finally, I would like to say goodbye. Until now, it was TRENDZ. Thank you. Goodbye!
Thanks to TRENDZ for taking the time to answer all our questions!
Thank you Havit, Hankook, ra.L, YoonWoo, Léon, Yechan & Eunil
Thanks to their Global H Media to make it possible
Photo crédit : © Photos by GLOBAL H MEDIA
Capture : © K-Pop Concert Média